::: ExtraMysticalActivity :::
Name it!
::: Name it! :::
Take a good look at this card and give it a one or two-word name.
Take a good look at this card and give it a one or two-word name.
Make it a title that encompasses the main emotion it brings up.
This is a really powerful ExtraMysticalActivity because Spiritual communication will come so much easier and clearer once we name our symbols.
Naming has been the foundation of communication since the beginning of time. Remember the part of the story in the Book of Genesis where God told Adam to give everything a name? Just think of the misunderstandings there'd be if there wasn't one agreed upon name for everything on earth.
So, it makes perfect sense to name our symbols. There's no other way to clearly communicate.
Spirit is listening and excited about speaking with you. Practicing with a tarot or oracle deck is a simple yet all encompassing tool to master two-way communication with Other Realms (God, your HigherSelf, SpiritTeam, Angels, and LovedOnes on the other side). You will be amazed to see what happens after you begin building your own Supernatural Sign Language.
Naming has been the foundation of communication since the beginning of time. Remember the part of the story in the Book of Genesis where God told Adam to give everything a name? Just think of the misunderstandings there'd be if there wasn't one agreed upon name for everything on earth.
So, it makes perfect sense to name our symbols. There's no other way to clearly communicate.
Spirit is listening and excited about speaking with you. Practicing with a tarot or oracle deck is a simple yet all encompassing tool to master two-way communication with Other Realms (God, your HigherSelf, SpiritTeam, Angels, and LovedOnes on the other side). You will be amazed to see what happens after you begin building your own Supernatural Sign Language.
Naming a tarot card is an exercise adapted from Mary K Greer's 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card.
Draw or choose a card out of your deck and name it.
~> Share the new name and traditional name of the card you chose. (oracle or tarot)
~> Tell us the name you'd give for the card pictured here.
[a perpetual work in progress by Mystic-Mentor.com]
[a perpetual work in progress by Mystic-Mentor.com]