This same message, in a few different forms, kept reappearing to me today. Whenever that happens I call it a Spirit Message, especially when it's an answer to my prayers for advice.
It may be a message for you too.
How does Spirit speak to you?
Prayer can be a two-way conversation. Remember to listen. Answers will pop up in stuff in your social-media stream, on television, in what you're reading, in snips of overheard conversations -- in limitless ways.
Spirit wants to speak with you.
If you ask, Spirit will answer. Guaranteed.
If you'd like answers now, intuitively reading Tarot cards is the fastest, easiest, clearest, and most effective way.
The reason:
Tarot is packed with potentially thousands of signs and symbols that speak directly to your subconscious mind.
With some practice, you'll develop your own, unique supernatural sign-language that will amaze you. And, once Spirit knows you're into Tarot, your Spirit-Team will be ecstatic to amaze you even more.
If you'd like to participate in an ongoing conversation about Tarot, we've just begun The Fool's Journey (a card by card adventure through the first 22 cards)...
~> Join my Epiphanies Tarot Community on facebook